I don't have to much to say about Milan. There is lots of shopping of course. It's a cloud of diesel and 2-stroke exhaust. We are camped about 12kms outside the city because we consider hostels expensive, I mean $30 CND for a dorm bed!? when we are budgeting $50 a day... not good. Anyway, we did some shopping and went to the Leonardo De Vinci Museum of Science and Technology as well as the Museum of Milan. Today we are in an internet Cafe which was hard to find because the tourist information person marked the wrong spot on our map. That reminds me, in Vicenza the one campground which we were directed to and still existed on the Tourist office map, no longer existed and we wasted a lot of time looking for it. ARRGG!!!
Food and drink is ridiculously expensive. The Duomo Cathedral in the city center is pretty impressive but I though the Dom in Koln was more so. We are going to the Vigorelli Velodrome after this, lets hope it and some of it's shops (MASI??) are open. Things seem to be closed on Mondays.

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